Fortnite's daily Item Shop updates often see the return of the same cosmetics regularly, making it easy to predict what will be sold in the future. We've created a list of all Outfits, Emotes and Pickaxes that are predicted to return to the shop within the next week of rotations.
Predicted Outfits
The following Outfits are predicted to return to the Item Shop within the next week of rotations:
- Sash Sergeant
- Toy Soldier
- Plastic Patroller
- Bullseye
- Maverick
- Shade
- Doggo
- Orelia
- Oro
- Adeline
- Geometrik

Predicted Emotes
The following Emotes are predicted to return to the Item Shop within the next week of rotations:
- Frolic
- How Sweet!
- Lights up
- Drop The Bass
- Full Tilt
- Get Gone
- Chess Master
- Amazing Cube
- Smooth Moves
- Rage Quit
- Banner Wave
Predicted Pickaxes
The following Pickaxes are predicted to return to the Item Shop within the next week of rotations:
- Tribute's Flail
- Chaos Scythe
- Cyclo Sticks
- Emblematic
- Cube Axe
- Tat Axe

All prediction data sourced from fnbr.co/predictions.
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