Fortnite Patch v23.40: What to Expect

Downtime for the fourth major update of Chapter 4 is expected to begin on February 14, 2023. Here's an early look at the patch notes for v23.40.
Valentine's Day Set
A new Valentine's Day set of cosmetics will be available once downtime has ended. The new set contains the following items:
- Folly Outfit
- Folly's Heartcase Back Bling
- Heartache Pickaxe
- Jester's Privilege Wrap
We don't have images of the new cosmetics, but we do know that the Outfit will include an alternate Style.

Dragon Ball Vaulted
Fortnite's v23.40 patch will remove the 'Kamehameha' and 'Nimbus Cloud' Mythic items from Battle Royale. It's also thought that the Deku Smash ability will be vaulted tomorrow, but this is just a rumour. The removal of the Dragon Ball Mythics is confirmed.

New Level Up Quest Pack
The Chapter 4 Season 1 Level Up Quest Pack is expected to be released following tomorrow's update. The Pack will give players who purchase it additional Battle Pass Levels every time they collect special in-game tokens.

New Reality Augments
More new Reality Augments are also expected to be introduced with the v23.40 update. Unlike previous weeks, tomorrow's new Augments have not been leaked ahead of their release, meaning we don't know what's coming.
Item Unvaulted
It's likely that Fortnite's v23.40 update will follow the pattern of recent patches and unvault a random item. There's currently no clues as to which item this could be, but recently the Burst Assault Rifle, Heavy Shotgun and Rocket Launcher and Slurp Juice have all returned.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs are confirmed to be fixed in tomorrow's patch, according to the official Fortnite Trello page.
General Issues
- The Sparkle Specialist Outfit is not reflective and shiny.
- Sarah Connor's Resistance Leader Style has a stretched face when emoting.
- Sub mode select screen may appear blank.
- Save Device may reset player scores and other data.
Mobile & Cloud Gaming
- Some devices might be capped to 60 FPS despite having 90 FPS selected.
As always, we'll be sharing the official patch notes once they go live after the update.
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