Fortnite has revealed the Crew Pack cosmetics for January 2023, featuring the new Gildhart Outfit.

January's Crew Pack includes the following:
- Gildhart Outfit
- Golden Guard Back Bling
- Gilt Glaive Pickaxe
- Photonic Legacy Pickaxe
- Chapter 4, Season 1 Battle Pass (or 950 V-Bucks)
- 1,000 V-Bucks

If you don't own the Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass, you'll automatically get access to it if you subscribe to the Fortnite Crew whilst the Season is still running. If you own it already, a one-time 950 V-Bucks return will be applied to your account.

December's Crew Pack, featuring Joni The Red, will remain available to new subscribers until the January cosmetics are released on the 1st of the month.

In other news, Epic Games has banned players who used an XP glitch to earn Fortnite Levels. Click here to read more.
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