After a long 27-month wait, Epic Games has officially launched the Unreal Editor for Fortnite.
Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) is a new PC application for designing, developing and publishing experiences directly into Fortnite. Over time, UEFN will evolve to feature "most" of the tools seen in Unreal Engine, Epic's toolset used by professional developers to create games. Today in the public beta, UEFN enables a wide variety of games and experiences ranging from highly stylized cel-shaded team combat to ultra-realistic sims, playable right inside the Fortnite you already have installed.
UEFN works side-by-side with Fortnite’s existing Creative toolset, and teams of creators can work together across PC and console to develop and test islands in real-time.
For an early glimpse at what's possible using UEFN, Epic has created three tech demos which show the new capabilities. These demos can be found in the Epic's Pick Discover row in-game, or by entering the following map codes:
- Forest Guardian: 0348-4483-3263
- Escape Room: 9836-7381-5978
- Deserted: Domination: 8035-1519-2959
For more information on the future of Fortnite and getting started with UEFN, visit create.fortnite.com.
In other news, Supply Drops have been removed from Fortnite. Click here to read more.
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