The third major update of Chapter 4 Season 2 has arrived and with it a number of changes to the Fortnite Island have been discovered.
The following map changes and images have kindly been provided by FNAssist - check them out!
Galactic Republic Outposts
The Star Wars Galactic Republic has arrived on Fortnite's Battle Royale Island. Special Outposts containing Republic Chests have been set up at Frenzy Fields, Slappy Shores and Shattered Slabs.

Shattered Slabs Grind Rails
The Grind Rails of MEGA City have made their way to Shattered Slabs, allowing players to quickly zoom across the POI.

More map changes will be introduced with Fortnite's v24.40 update on May 23rd. We'll keep you updated.
Be sure to check out FNAssist, who kindly provided all the map changes seen above.
In other news, Fortnite's latest Star Wars collaboration has introduced new Force abilities to Battle Royale. Click here to read more.
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